Monday, March 28, 2011

Where God has placed me

I have two incredible sons and an awesome granddaughter who is now taller than me. I love living on a lake and am busy with 5ks, sailing, kayaking, hiking, camping, dancing, biking.... anything outdoors. My church family allows me to run soundboard, play in the band, be on the prayer team, and train for stephen's ministry.... all things that I couldn't do without their encouragement. My brother helps me fix the songs that I write, my mom keeps me in prayer, my girlfriends are always there for moral support, my prison ministry friends give great hugs.... I am so thankful for how God has changed me, for how God has restored me, and for how God has provided all that I need. Well almost all.... :) He knows what I'm still asking for even though it seems so small in the face of so many prayers for others.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prayer Request

For a hedge of protection around Kyndra and David, Father. Fill them with hope to know that You are in control, that betrayal never comes from you, and that you will restore what the locusts have eaten. I ask that you wipe away each tear and open the gates to healing and strength.
Praise for your strength in Gloria that leads each of us in prison ministry to press on.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Prayer Requests

For His gifts of love through my sons and granddaughter

For His Word to guide my every thought, word, and action
For Betty, Tucker, and David

Answered Prayer
Finding a women's bible study where I can open my heart and be accountable
For a place of peace

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A New Song

Like a silver moon
Falling on the water
My heart waits for you.
Breathlessly hoping
That life will move on,
So my dreams can
Move on too.

Sandi McClary, copyright 2009.

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:5-6 NLT

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Test of Faith

I'm learning again to lean on the Lord. Have you been here?
Satan tries to tell me to doubt God and hide in shame, but I am straining to hear God's voice and to remember that He will restore what the locusts have eaten. I am placing my trust in God's word.... that He will be with me through this valley (Ps 23) and He will use this to lead me to a radical life change (Rom.2:4).
Blackaby says that every crisis is a test of our faith and that we must choose whether we will join Him in the work that He is doing around us. In spite of the destruction in this life, I have seen Him working around me in a million different ways.... allowing me to lead bible study with homeless women and children, working in soup kitchens, having a bible study group in my home, the pastor anointing the doors of my house, a sunset over the lake in front of my home. I am broken. I am being still to allow God's love to fill all the empty places. Thank God for His protection over me. He is good all the time, even in the worst of circumstances, and I know that He will bring goodness and joy.
My baby brother told me today that I am just like my mom; that I see the goodness in everyone. Lord, let me continue to see in others what you long for, but let me also see the truth so I can guard my heart.... not with a stone wall, but with boundaries that are your will. Help me continue to be broken for the things that You are broken for.

Friday, January 30, 2009


(by Sandi McClary, copyright 2008)
Based on God's Word to the Samaritan Woman

I come to the well
Alone, ashamed
A broken sinner
Without a name
My soul thirsts for you
For something that I can't find
In this world.

So I come to the well
The sanctuary
The waters of life
The waters of life
So I come to the well
And I lift up my hands to your hands to your name
I lift up my hands to your name.

Running through life
Busy each day
Missing the part
Where I call on your name
But I'm thirsty
My soul thirsts for you
For something that I can't find
In this world.
